Fony Paystation. Bei Wired und bei flickr.

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The Bubble Project: »I printed 15 000 of these bubble stickers and place them on top of ads all over New York City. Passersby fill them in. I go back and photograph the results.«

[ link courtesy of arnaud ]

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Hm, Streetsy. Bin ja versucht, »SELLOUT!« zu rufen.

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On Sunday 26th June at 5.35pm a graffiti'd toilet was tied to some helium balloons and set free while Brian Wilson played Good Vibrations on the pyramid stage. It travelled due East at approximately 3 knots and has not been seen since.

The first person to find the toilet and email the word written on the forehead of the inflatable doll stuck inside, is this months winner.

::: streetart

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Counter Street Art. Banksy ist auch dabei, schients. Oder einer, der seine Motive sprüht. Ist das alt, by the way? Paar Tage, naja.

[ via lscherff ]

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Weil Hack ja nicht mehr öffentlich ist, verlinke ich hier mal den Graffiti-Künstler Banksy und den Artikel im Guardian, der mich nach ihm googeln liess.

::: streetart

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