R. I. P. Clifford Geertz

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"Why don't we just recess for the rest of the year...and simply say we'll have no more hearings, and Vice President Cheney will just tell the nation what laws we'll have—he'll let us know which laws will be followed and which laws will not be followed," deadpanned Patrick Leahy, the committee's ranking Democrat. "Heck, it's a nice time in Vermont this time of year. That'd make my life a lot easier."

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The origin of The Decider

[ onegoodmove: tägliche Dosis Daily Show / Colbert Report ]

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»Journalistic products« and »military storyboards«

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Bruce Lee in Mostar

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Wie wir alle wissen, ist die amerikanische Konservative eine kleine Gruppe ehrenhafter Rebellen, die sich einer gut organisierten Elitearmee von gottlosen und zynischen Linksradikalen gegenübersieht. Deswegen muß nahezu überall »Territorium zurückerobert« werden. Heute: wie sieht es aus an der Holywoodfront? Aus der Selbstbeschreibung der »American Film Renaissance«:

In 2003, then-law students Jim Hubbard and Ellen Gard made a routine trip to their local art house movie theater for a much-needed study break. Their options? Frida, a critically acclaimed biopic about a Marxist painter; The Life of David Gale, an anti-capital punishment polemic; and Bowling For Columbine, Michael Moore's fact-challenged assault on gun rights.

Jim and Ellen's decision? Skip the movies that day and attempt the impossible: launch a film movement to recapture the values of America's heartland. Two years later, the American Film Renaissance has firmly established itself in the vanguard of the heartland film movement, celebrating freedom, faith, family and country.

Amüsant auch: die Randspalte namens »some movies we like« auf der Seite des AFR screenwriting contests.

[ via Wonkette ]

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Nicht angenehm, dabei zuschauen zu müssen, wie einst akzeptierte Standards, wie z.B. der Schutz von Anonymen Informanten, von der Obrigkeit zunächst bei einer günstigen Gelegenheit in Frage gestellt und dann offen attackiert und abgeschafft werden. Die Rhetorik der Unterlegenen versucht natürlich, den Zombie noch ein wenig am Leben zu erhalten:

Time Inc.'s decision doesn't represent a change in our philosophy, nor does it reflect a departure from our belief in the need for confidential sources.
Und, Herr Pearlstine, wenn man so Sachen sagt wie
I found myself really coming to the conclusion, that once the Supreme Court has spoken in a case involving national security and a grand jury, we are not above the law and we have to behave the way ordinary citizens do
dann impliziert man damit, daß man vor der beschriebenen »Erkenntnis« durchaus arroganterweise über dem Gesetz gestanden hat, und außerdem gibt man all den all den ultrakonservativen Blog- / Zeitungs-Schreiberlingen und Talk-Radio-Hosts im Lande eine Steilvorlage für die morgigen Schlagzeilen.

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Die New York Times heute:

As recently as 2000, said one former recruiter in California, it was necessary to dig through the trash at high schools and colleges to find students' names and phone numbers. But No Child Left Behind mandates that school districts can receive federal funds only if they grant military recruiters "the same access to secondary school students" as is provided to colleges and employers.
Aha. Mhm.

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Deep Throat steps forward:

In encouraging her father to tell his own story, Mr. Felt's daughter, Joan, spoke of the money it might make to help pay tuition bills for her children.
Und hier noch ein bißchen amüsantes background reading in der Wikipedia.

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Macht das noch Sinn, sowas zu verlinken? Oder trägt das nur zur allgemeinen Depression bei?

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